How To Make A Vision Board


So my birthday was last week (April 24th and I turned 29) and as I turned one year older, I realized the visions I had for the past year didn’t really happen. I felt I worked hard but I was lacking. After doing a lot of internal discovering, I decided to create a vision board. Though this wouldn't be my first time creating one, this time I put a lot of thought and really put my heart into it.

Because a vision board is a place to display your dreams, inspirations and goals, I've discovered in order to truly reap the benefits of your vision board it is essential to come at it with true authenticity and belief. Keep in mind, a vision board is a guide that helps you achieve your true passions so the more you view it and believe in it, the more your dreams will come true.

I’ve decided to do mine a little different than the traditional way. Because our vision tends to change as time progresses, I wanted to make sure it would be easy for me to add, remove and move around items on my board.

Below are the items materials I used:

  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue/tape
  • Pinterest (images & quotes)
  • Pictures of yourself/loved ones


Before I began cutting, printing or writing I first wrote down all of my aspirations/goals for the year. This may take a while, since this process requires that you jot down goals for the year. After jotting all of your ideas down, its now time to be creative!

Next, search for all of the images, words, colors - everything you want to add onto your vision board.


Before printing out all the images I found on Pinterest, I placed all images/quotes on a word document and formatted them.


After that, cut out all the things you want to put on your board.


Once that's done, determine where you want to place each item on your board. You can create different sections in your vision board but I decided to keep it as authentic and real as my vision!


After you’ve figured out where you want to place everything and how you want your vision board to look, it’s time to put together your board.


This is how my board came out. It has everything that resembles my vision and wants for my life this year. It’s kind of like a piece of my heart on paper or in my case on metal.


If you’re interesting in hearing the breakdown of my board, CLICK HERE. I created a detailed video explaining the whole thing.

Thank you so much for reading my post today. I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Organizing Series DAY #3 — Closet Part 2

Welcome to Day 3 of the RMS 3-Day organizing series. If you haven't read Day 2 of the organizing series stop and read it now. Before we begin, make sure you print out my Organizing Series Checklist which itemizes the items that you may have in your space, let's you know the number of items you have and will help you through this journey.

Let’s get right into it.


Go back into your closet and take out all of your tops and shoes. As mentioned before, this will make the de-cluttering process so much easier.


Group your like items with like items and the odd ones together just as before.

 STEP #2

Just like on Day 2, go through each item and ask yourself these questions:

  1. When's the last time I wore this?
  2. Does it fit my current style?
  3. Do I need it?
  4. Do I truly love it?
  5. Does it help boost my confidence?

Make sure you hold each item and feel it. Hold it up so it's in your face and feel the energy it's letting off. For your shoes, put them on and walk with them. Walk around your home and sink into them. If after one minute you realize the luster for them start to diminish take them off and look at them if you still don’t love them, then let them go!

Trust me, years ago this was probably the hardest thing for me to do because the more things I had the better I felt. The more I had equated to abundance which today is not the case at all for me. You realize the less stuff you have the more you have internally and to me, that’s the most important.

If you don't feel love for the item then it's time to find it another home.

For the items you are donating, which are stuff that brings no value to your life today, put them in a bag and put them in your car trunk. Once you’re done, you can take your donation bags either to your local charity. The great thing about this is your donation can be added to your next year taxes. So when you drop it off make sure you take the donations receipt from your charity of choice and store it safely.


Now it’s time to put your items back into the closet.


As in Step #1, let's decide the different categories where your tops will be placed. I am using the same dividers just so you can see where I place them. Because our tops come in a variety of variations, let's take a few minutes to differentiate.


Beginning from the left I hang my most dainty or spaghetti strap tops first. As mentioned before, I don't follow a color wheel. I just place colors next to other colors that are similar or in contrast.

After spaghetti straps, I place no sleeve tops next. After that, I place short sleeves and end with long sleeves. After the long sleeve tops, I place my blazers then coats at the end.

I fold my sweaters to prevent them from stretching and place them in bins.


That's it. You did it again. You've just completed the 3-Day series. Congratulations to everyone who was able to finish the entire series. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, but you stuck in there and did it! That shows a lot about the person you are.

Now that you've accomplished this goal treat yourself to something you love.

If you liked this series, please let me know in the comments section. Thanks so much for participating in this 3-Day series and I’ll talk to you soon. BYE!!!!!

Organizing Series DAY #2 — Closet Part 1

Welcome to Day 2 of the RMS 3-Day Organizing Series. If you haven't read Day 1 of the series, it’s best you read it now. In today's video we will be focusing on the closet. Because this area is full of memories and possessions and space I will be splitting this area into two parts. Part 1 will focus on dresses, bags and bottoms (jeans, skirts, shorts and pants).

Organizing Series DAY #1 — De-clutter Drawers

Welcome to Day 1 of the RMS 3-Day organizing series. My goal for this series is to help you start your organizing journey. Before you continue reading, make sure you print out my RMS Organizing Series Checklist which itemizes the items that you may have in your space, let's you know the number of items you have and will help you through this journey.

In Day 1 we will focus on our dresser drawers. I also have a video (click here), which will help you visualize how you can organize your drawers efficiently.

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Drawers are a place that accumulates the most clutter plus because they are hidden, we tend to forget what we have in them. Though drawers are one of the smaller entities in our homes, they are the most impactful in our daily routine.

The reason I’ve broken down this series into three days is so that you’re able to focus on your goal for the day as well as prevent you from getting overwhelmed.

Without further ado, let's get into it:


First, write down the goals that you want to achieve with your drawers. This is the most important thing to do because when you write down anything, it programs your goals into your subconscious mind, which activates the front lobe of your brain (the initiation lobe) and helps you be the most productive in accomplishing your goals.


Take everything out of your drawers and place them on a flat surface. This can either be on your bed or the floor.


Go through each item and ask yourself these questions:

  1. When's the last time I wore this?
  2. Does it fit my current style?
  3. Do I need it? For example, if it's wintertime and you have that one coat or sweater that has seen better days but keeps you the warmest then keep it.
  4. Do I truly love it?
  5. Does it help boost my confidence?

These questions are specifically for our clothes because clothes are like armor we wear to protect ourselves from the world. This also helps with our confidence, which is especially key when it comes to change.

For items that don't belong in your drawers, put those aside. Once you’re done you can put these items in their actual places.


Create four piles for items you will be keeping, throwing away, donating to charity, and/or giving away to family/friends. Though I don’t encourage you to spread clutter to others, I do believe in placing your items in good homes.


Bag the items you won't be keeping, throw the ones you want to discard away quick and place the bag(s) for charity in your car. The reason for this is because the goal is to remove clutter and prevent you from going back into the bags; picking items from it and putting them back in your space.


Once you've acknowledged the items you will be keeping, it’s time to figure where things will go.

Let's start with the top drawer. In this video I am using my dresser that has three drawers. This drawer was purchased from IKEA and the knobs from Home Goods.

It’s up to you what you want to keep in this drawer but I like to do it in the order I get dressed.

Again, it’s all up to the way you function in your home.

You can use drawer dividers if you want as I do. This helps keep items in place especially with the constant movement.

My Dresser Drawer Order

In my case the top drawer will hold my undergarments. Though socks are probably the last item I put on, I like to put them in my top drawer because I don’t have a lot of them. This is also a great place to keep your lingerie and related items.

Casual bottoms are next so those get placed in the second drawer.  As I mentioned, I like to follow the order in which I get ready so for some of you this might be your top drawer, second drawer or last drawer.

Once you've decided where you want to place your items, start folding each item. If you’re unsure on what folding technique to use, I’ve created a folding video (click here) which gives you four techniques to choose from, my favorite is the R4! Socks are typically last for me, but I like to keep those on the top drawer because I don’t have a lot of them.

Once you've folded all of your clothes set them aside, it’s time to wipe down your drawers. It's probably been a while since you've done this and now is the perfect time. Once that's done, it's time to place your clothes in the drawer. I don't care to follow a color wheel but I do like to put the same colors or like colors next to each other.

If you've noticed that most of your clothes aren’t fitting in the drawers then go back to Step 3 and get rid of more clothes.

The next drawer is typically for tops. Just follow the process I use for the previous drawer.

The bottom drawer or drawers can be used for items like extra bed linens, scarves, and workout clothes. It’s all up to what you like or you can leave them empty.

Once you’re done with this step, you are done! You did it, you've just completed organizing your drawers. Now that you've accomplished this goal treat yourself to something delicious.

You're one-third completed and the finish line is in view. Tomorrow we will focusing on Part 1 — Closet.  Feel free to comment below and let me know if this was at all helpful for you. Talk to you tomorrow!



Ode to the mornings. Many of us hate you but love sleeping through you. We avoid you so much; we’d rather skip breakfast and wait hours before we eat for the first time of the day. Though we dread you, you are the most important time of the day and we are ready to conquer you. Let me be honest, with this time change, I’ve been lacking. I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting up later than before and I feel my days are becoming shorter and less productive.

My mornings have been dragging and I can no longer find enough energy to enjoy it. So for the last two weeks I’ve incorporated the following steps and now my days have made a complete transformation. If you are someone who is tired of wasting time and ready to take back your mornings and enjoy them, continue reading.

  1. Create a Morning Checklist — If you are someone who tends to forget things after you’ve left the house, a checklist will be your best friend. Make sure you put it either near the front door or at a location in your home you frequent most. Before you leave, run through the checklist and leave your home at peace.
  2. Put out your clothes the night before — Deciding on and putting out your outfit the night before will not only save you time in the morning, it gives you an idea of what you will wear that day as well as gives you an Plan B in case you decide to wear something different.
  3. Shower the night before — The best part of showering the night before is you can fully enjoy that shower since you winding down for the night. It also helps you save 10-15 minutes in the morning so you can focus on other aspects of the morning.
  4. Create a Breakfast Meal Plan/Menu — Meal plans are the best especially on the days you have time constraints. Breakfast meal plans take the stress out of rushing to make breakfast and as mentioned before saves you extra time in the morning. If you are looking for ideas on what breakfast ideas you can meal plan, check out these blogs (sweetpeasandsaffron) and (operation$40K).
  5. Simplify your makeup routine — For us ladies who love to always look put together, the makeup portion of our morning is probably one of the most important stages. If you are someone who spends way to long on your makeup routine, I’d suggest you cut down on the amounts of makeup you possess. Purge the ones you don’t use or don’t suit you and only keep the ones you love. You can also opt for using products that have multiple functions. For example, make up brands like Milk Makeup, Stila and Bite Beauty have great makeup that serve multiple purposes. To be honest, you can use most type of make up products anywhere on your face (don’t quote me!)
  6. Avoid hitting the “SNOOZE” button — The good ole’ snooze. Oh how I’ve loved you in the past. Sadly I’ve had to give you up for good. Rather than hitting the snooze, push yourself up, open the blinds/window and begin the day.
  7. Crank up the music — Because music boosts up energy and makes us feel good, once you wake up, turn on your favorite song and dance your morning away ... or maybe, as you get ready for the day.
  8. Style your hair the night before — This stage is most critical in my morning routine because at times it can take me more than 30 minutes to do my hair each day especially when I choose to wear it curly. I braid my hair at night and all I have to do in the morning is unravel my hair, style and move on to another task. It has changed my morning routine exponentially!
  9. GET UP EARLIER — I know this is something no one wants to hear but if you’re someone who tends to be late to work, early appointments or feel like you never have enough time in the day, getting up early will make all the difference. At first, it will be difficult but once you stay consistent you will reap the benefits.

Choosing the right morning routine that works with your lifestyle is what will truly enhance your day. Though I’ve shared with you some of the things I incorporate in my life, doesn’t necessary mean you have to. I would suggest adding one practice to your life and once you conquered that, move on the next. You are the master of your day and starting it off with you in control makes all the difference.

Chat with you next time!



Lets get started.

The number one thing you can get rid of right now is:

1. Wire hangers (#deathtothewirehangers) – rather than throwing them away you can actually give them back to the dry cleaners. They’ll be happy to accept them. The hatred I have for this thin monster stem from my childhood. Maybe one day I’ll share the story with you.

2. Old cell phones and cell accessories – most cell phone companies have recycling bins for your unwanted phones.


3. Expired anything – this includes beauty products, food, coupons, rebates and etc. You get the gist.

4. Old receipts Once you’ve passed up the return policy they pretty much have no use. If you must keep them, there’s an app called Expensify which allows you to scan them in and store them. Evernote is also a great tool.

5. Pens that don’t work – don’t you just hate when you need to write something down quickly and your pen ink is out!

6. Bad photos of yourself need I say more!

7. Clothes that don’t fit anymore of course you can donate them to your local charity.

8. Torn Underwear – I know they’re comfortable but it’s time to let them go.

9. Anything Broken – broken appliances, dishes, toys, etc. Chances are you’re not going to fix them.

10. All VHS movies – do this one now! Thankfully places like thrift stores, Greendisk, and the library are willing to accept them – even though I doubt anyone will buy them!

11. Old emails – this will take a while so you may need to dedicate some time for this task. There are a couple of sites that can help you get rid of hundreds at a time for free.

12. Read/Unread books  either lend them out or donate your old books to your local school, hospital or library. If some are missing pages, you can use the remaining pages as wrapping paper.

13. Kitchen appliances you don’t use donate them to a charity or list them as up for grabs on – they’ll be picked up in no time.

14. Tupperware – glass and ceramic are always a safer option.

15. Old batteries battery brands like Duracell and Energizer says its okay to dispose them in your normal waste but there are also many battery recycling organizations in your city where you can dispose of them safely.

16. Excess kids artwork – I would suggest taking photos of them either alone or with your child holding up their masterpiece. Once that’s done you can either frame them or create a book full of them for memories.

17. Manuals – they can be viewed online.

18. Freezer burned items – though safe to eat, the quality will be poor and who wants that?

19. Mismatched socks- you can actually up cycle them and use them as cleaning rags – of course make sure they are clean before you do.

20. Old mail make sure you shred them.

If you’re someone who typically finds it difficult to let go of things, ask yourself: would I pay money to keep it right now?

Though there are many more I can add to this list, but I wanted to only give you a few that will make the most impact in your space.

If you are interested in learning more on how Rescue My Space can help you get rid of items in your home, call us at 832.680.1089 or email us at



Valentines Day wish list for the organizer in your life:

  1. What better gift to give someone who loves being organized than a planner. This beautiful planner was made with a minimalist vibe. It has all the bells and whistles necessary to plan out your day, week and even year. It’s so aesthetically pleasing it can be used as a coffee table centerpiece.
  2. Though this basket appeals to the masses, it may not appeal to that person in your life. Instead of giving them this, a better option would be to give them a gift card to none other than The Container Store where this was purchased.
  3. Aloe Vera plants are not only lovely to look at, they naturally purify the air. Another advantage is they require low maintenance so practically anyone for care for it.
  4. Acrylic organizers are great because they are multi-functional. It also spices up any room it's in.
  5. There’s nothing better than enjoying a day at the spa, especially when it’s a gift. It’s not only a thoughtful gift, it’s a type of gift that won’t create clutter in your home.

If you’re interested in learning more about gift ideas to give to that loved one who either has adopted a more minimalist lifestyle or who doesn’t like typical Valentines gift, email us at

Rescue My Space provides organizing solutions to individuals that are busy, overwhelmed, tired of living in clutter and ready to make a change the modern way. For more than five years we have been helping people reclaim their life back by showing them how to maintain an organized space. There are no projects too big for us and we believe everyone deserves a space to relax and enjoy. For more information on how to hire Judi as your personal organizer, visit her website at



I think we can all agree that we hate clutter. We hate it so much we pretend it doesn’t exist. Sometimes we even hide ourselves from the world because we’re afraid of what others may think about us because of it. Being unorganized or having a home full of clutter, which we hate to admit, is thankfully something we can overcome. From experience, all it takes is patience, vulnerability and an open mind to achieve what we want in our homes and in our lives. Today I’m going to give you five simple and modern-day tips on how to change your mindset so you can become more organized.

TIP #1 Start small

For some reason our brains are wired to believe that we MUST complete an entire project at once. Have you ever wondered why none of your tasks or projects ever gets done on time? I bet one of the reasons may be because the project you took on was way to BIG to complete and because you were so overwhelmed, you failed to finish. Not anymore! By starting small, whether it is organizing your pen cup to completing a major project, you will avoid the stress of fulfilling that task and find yourself finishing quickly and punctually.

TIP #2 Listen to organizing podcasts

One of the best things you can do in the morning or as you’re driving is to stimulate your mind by listening to things that arouse your mental and physical growth. I’ve noticed in my own life and others around me that doing so has made a world of positive change in our lives. Organizing podcasts like Organize 365 or A Slob Comes Clean are two podcasts that have kept me motivated in times when I was lacking. One of the secrets to truly changing your lifestyle is to change our mentality and by incorporating these simple methods in your life, you will get there in no time.

TIP #3 Create a Checklist

This may sound cliché, but to-do lists really do work — of course only if you use them. As I mentioned above, clutter is a bi%#* and in order to combat it, you will have to tackle it head on in small intervals. Here are two examples how checklists can be effective in helping you stay organized:

  1. By using a checklist to plan out the tasks you need to accomplish at home after work, will prevent you from being overwhelmed after a stressful day.
  2. An effective checklist will only have your priority tasks therefore you will know exactly what needs to be done to maintain order. Checklist, lists, to-do list, plans, whatever you want to call them is a habit that needs to be implemented in your life so getting organized and staying organized can become second nature.

TIP #4 Keep things you Truly Love

Here are a couple of common things I’ve heard when it comes to this topic:

I love everything in my home and there’s no way I can get rid of anything! All of my stuff has a meaning behind them! Here’s a better one. I’ve spent so much money and I haven’t even worn it yet! — but it’s been two years!

These are just a few examples of statements my clients have said to me when I’d suggest they should only keep things in their home they truly loved. Let me explain what this really means. Lets start with an example. We love our family (our immediate family) and though we may have favorites (wink) we love them so unconditionally that we couldn’t live a day without them. This is the type of feeling I believe you should have for the items in your home. You love your pen so much; the mere thought of it not being in your possession is utter mayhem. If you don’t have this feeling towards the items in your home then it’s probably time to part ways with it. I’d be happy to witness the department!

TIP #5 Make it a Habit

New studies show it takes 2-8 months to form a new habit. I know that seems like an abnormal amount of time — at least to getting organized but this is actually great news. Creating new habits shouldn’t be viewed as one and done rather as a process that will create a better outcome. Committing to an organizing system and practicing it thoroughly, though you may have hiccups, will create a positive mind and improve your organizing skills.

If you are interested in hiring a Professional Organizer to help you change your mindset and become more organized, give us a call at 832.680.1089 or email me at

Rescue My Space provides organizing solutions to individuals that are busy, overwhelmed, tired of living in clutter and ready to make a change the modern way. For more than five years we have helped people reclaim their life back by showing them how to maintain an organized space. There are no projects that are too big for us and we believe everyone deserves a space to relax and enjoy. For more information on how to hire Judi as your personal organizer, visit her website at