5 Tips to Declutter Your Closet and Throw Out Old Clothes

You may deny being a hoarder and claim that you can quickly get rid of the things you do not need. However, the truth is, you have difficulty getting rid of old clothes. There are many reasons why parting with your old attires may be difficult. You may be thinking to yourself that you could still lose weight to fit in those too-small jeans or that you meant to get the sleeve fixed. You may even be convincing yourself that you need that black dress for some future, unforeseen event. Newsflash—you don’t. When decluttering your closet, you need to be ruthless. If you still do not know how to start tidying your wardrobe, keep reading below for tips.


Do not get distracted by the sequins and glitters. You have a reason for decluttering, and whether you like it or not, that reason you have is valid. You may be moving and can’t bring your entire wardrobe with you, or you lost some weight. Whatever your purpose is, remember it when you are organizing your closet. That cute dress you wore to your college prom may be sentimental, but you will not be attending prom any time soon.

Your favorite shop has a sale, and what do you do? Immediately purchase. If you keep buying clothes, your decluttering process will never end. You will always have an unnecessary amount of clothes that you will not let go of. So when you get an alert for a price drop, just look away. You need to finish decluttering your current wardrobe first before you can even think about getting something new to wear.


We always tend to keep damaged items and tell ourselves that we will get them repaired later. While this is a possibility, it is just an unlikely scenario. When was the last time you got some damaged clothing fixed and wore it? Pull out all the stained and ripped clothes and say goodbye to them. Doing this will start your momentum in tidying up your closet.


Go ahead and try every piece of clothing you want to keep on. Give yourself a good look in the mirror and see how it looks on you. This will eliminate the clothes that are now too small on you and help you recognize what you think looks good and does not. Once you have tried everything on and narrowed it down, try them on again. This time, ask yourself if you have worn each article of clothing in the past year, and if you feel confident and comfortable. If your answer is yes to both, keep that piece of clothing. If you answer no to either one, then time to give it up.


One of the biggest challenges we face when getting rid of clothes is that some may have sentimental value, making it difficult to get rid of them. However, you have to remember that they are just clothes. Sure, they were in a specific memory with us, but the memory is still there. These clothes have lost their functionality for you, and you can even give them off to charity so that someone else can use them.

Organizing your closet can be overwhelming, and you may want to avoid doing it. However, if you become ruthless with getting rid of some of your old clothes, then the most challenging part is over. If you have a hard time decluttering, just return to this article and follow our tips above. Your closet should be tidied up in no time. You may need a decluttering service in Houston for a more convenient organizing process. Lucky for you, Rescue My Space does not only offer decluttering and organizing services for residential and commercial spaces in Houston but in multiple locations over Texas. Get in touch with us to start your decluttering journey today!