5 Easy Ways to Get Started on Tidying up Your Space

Clutter that builds up over time, soiling our homes and our lives, can be a difficult habit to break. Where does it come from? Well, clutter comes from several places: mail that doesn’t get sorted, the trash that doesn’t get taken out, and more. If we don’t put things back where they belong or if we don’t tidy our rooms regularly, we let clutter into our lives, and it can become a serious problem. If dealing with clutter is something that overwhelms you, you can take it easy and follow these steps to start cleaning up your space. 


If you want to start being more organized, you need to focus on one area of your life first, and this will give you a good foundation to build off of. Depending on the type of person you are, you can choose to focus on different areas, but here are some general areas to consider: 

Your kitchen - If you want to do your shopping and cooking at home, you need to have a clean kitchen. 

Your workspace - If you have a desk or a workspace at home, you can organize it so that it’s a place where you can spend time and enjoy what you do. 

Your bedroom - If you keep your bedroom neat and organized, you will feel great when you go to sleep each night. 

It all starts with one area, then once you get that area organized and clean, you can move on to another part of your home. 


We are busy people, and it can be hard to find time to do anything, especially when you have other things to do. By finding just ten minutes everyday, you can keep your place clean and clutter-free. For instance, if you take ten minutes each day to make your bed, you will start to see a difference. It may be small, but making beds each morning is a great way to start each day. 


If you have clutter hiding around your home, it can be difficult to know where to start. It’s always tempting to start with the easiest room, but it may not be the best way to start. Instead, look for obvious garbage, things that you know you don’t need. This can be things like expired food in your fridge or broken appliances. These things may not be a huge burden, but when they start to pile up, they can create a mess that’s hard to clean up. 


If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed when trying to think about where to begin, you can start by picking up ten things in the room and putting it back where it belongs. For instance, if you’re working in the kitchen and you have a dozen different dishes on the counter, you can pick up those plates and put them away, or you can put a pile of mail in a basket, where it belongs. 


If you have a lot of things that you need to do in each room, it can be hard to know where to start. Try picking one organization project and work on that project until it is complete. Then, you can spend a weekend working on organizing and filing paperwork, which will make your home much more organized. 


These are some ways that you can start cleaning up your space, whether you have a lot to do or just a little. Over time, these small tasks will help you get organized and free up your mind. If you're feeling overwhelmed about the organization process, Rescue My Space is here to help. We are a decluttering service in Houston that aims to make your space a more relaxed place. Get in touch with us today to learn more.