6 Signs That You Need Organization in Your Life


Apart from being an item on your New Year’s resolutions, is organizing your home something that has crossed your mind recently? How often do you think about organizing your workspace, your home, or your life in general?

Organizing is a habit that you should apply both in your personal and professional life. When you are organized, you’ll be more productive, and your life will also be easier! 

But how can you tell that it’s time to declutter? Here are six telltale signs to know about:

1. You Regularly Miss Appointments

It’s acceptable if you miss appointments due to some emergency or other important matters. However, if you’ve been missing appointments without realizing them, it could be an indication that you need some organization in your life. You might want to start with a daily checklist or schedule so that you won’t forget anything.

2. You Misplace Things All the Time

While it’s natural that you forget where you put things sometimes, it’s not a good sign if you’re constantly losing even stuff that you use all the time. For instance, if your wallet, phone, keys, goes missing almost daily, you should follow one of the most common organizing tips: to have a designated box or basket for all your daily knick-knacks. You must make a conscious effort to put things back in their proper place after use so that you can find them easily when needed.

3. You Buy Things You Already Have

Whether it’s because you’re too forgetful to remember you already have some items at home or because you have given hope that you’re going to find the items, buying stuff you already have is a sign that you need to organize with your things. Sorting your belongings and having specific storage for them can significantly help. You might want to try labeling as well.

4. You Are Always Overwhelmed With Your Tasks

Most people feel that they have too many tasks on their plates, and at times, it’s true. However, it’s also possible that you are merely mismanaging your time. Having a to-do list and allotting specific amounts of time for each task will help you accomplish everything you need to do. You might want to start with things of the highest importance and list down tasks based on the level of priority.

5. You Are Not Comfortable Inviting Your Friends to Your Home

If you don’t invite friends over because you are feeling ashamed of the mess, it’s a clear sign that you need to establish a home organization system. It’s a good start that you recognize the disorganized state of your space. The next step is to create a plan to get rid of all the clutter, organize your things at home, and then follow through with your schedule.

6. You Are Considering Getting the Help of a Professional Organizer

If you have been thinking about hiring a professional to help you organize your home, then you probably need to do so. It’s also a smart solution to live in a more organized home and have a clutter-free life. In fact, tidying up your space can be overwhelming when things have already accumulated, like when you have mountains of clothes and a cluttered kitchen. As such, expert organizers can provide you with organizational solutions that can help you take a step in the right direction. You’ll also learn tips and tricks on how you can maintain a more organized space!

By being more organized, you become more efficient and productive not only in your work but also in other aspects of your life. However, it can be challenging to organize your space by yourself at the beginning. If you feel it’s too much for you, you shouldn’t hesitate to get the help of a professional organizing consultant!

 Rescue My Space offers organizing services for both residential and corporate spaces. With our help, you can have any room in your house decluttered and organized in a way that you can easily maintain. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!