Help! My Linen Closet Is a Mess

When it comes to home organization, one of the most difficult areas to organize is your linen closet. Don’t you just find it difficult to fold linens nicely? You don’t need to stress over it too much because we can help you tidy up your linen closet. 

Here are five essential tips to keep your linen closet tidy.

1. Have a “Keep”, “Toss”, “Donate”, and “Gather” Baskets

The first thing to do is to have a “Keep”, “Toss”, “Donate”, and “Gather” baskets, bins, or whatnot. Prepare and label them to make organization more efficient, and you don’t end up confused while you’re tidying up your linen closet. 


2. Get Everything Out

When you have your baskets sorted out, it’s time to empty the closet. This one is easy—so just chuck all of them out the closet and start with a clean slate. 

3. Clean the Closets

Before you do the sorting and folding, you need to clean the closets first. This means you need to vacuum, sweep, and wipe down the shelves and the drawers. That way, everything will be clean when you’re ready to put your linens back in the closet. 

4. Decide What to Keep

Now, sort through your linens and decide what you will keep. Throw the linens you will keep in the “keep” basket and deal with the others. 

5. Label Your Containers
Before you put your linens back into your closet, it’s essential you label the containers. That way, putting your items back into the closet will go as smoothly as possible. Also, this will make it easier for you to find linens when you need them. 

Other Tips for Linen Closet Organization: 

Here are some other tips that can help make your linen closet organization better: 

  • Add binds for bedding: Consider having a basket for each bedroom where you can keep sheets and pillowcases that belong there.

  • Roll large linens: This is ideal for extra duvets or off-season ones. You can save a lot of space by rolling them up. You can also store your extra duvets under your bed in a container to prevent dust.

  • Toiletry basket: Have a bin or a box that will hold your stock of toiletries. With this, you won’t have any loose toiletries in the closet.

  • Rolling towels: Consider rolling towels and store them in a basket so you can save a lot of space. By doing this, you can keep everything altogether.

Here’s to a Tidy Linen Closet!

Your linen closet gets a lot of use, and it’s also one of the areas in your home that gets cluttered and disorganized easily. Seeing your linen closet messy is so stressful, which is why you need to take the time to organize and tidy it up. That way, you will feel less stressed when you see it, and it will also make things easier to find when you need something. 

Use these tips to organize your linen closet. Baskets, bins, containers, etc. are huge lifesavers when it comes to tidying your linen closet, so make sure you invest in high-quality ones! 

If you don’t have the time to organize your linen closet, you can hire a home organizer in Houston. Rescue My Space offers organization solutions to homes and corporate spaces. Contact us today!