4 Tried-and-Tested Tips for Decluttering Your Closet

Having multiple fashion items lets you set yourself apart from others and express yourself creatively. However, if you find yourself rummaging through piles of clothes you no longer wear and lacking storage capacity, it may be an ideal time to declutter your closet. Here are some tried-and-tested tips for keeping your clothes organized:

1. Do a thorough closet sweep regularly


Regularly purging your wardrobe is the best way to ensure each piece of clothing deserves a space in your closet. To get started, start in sections and assess every item, and determine which ones should be donated, altered, sold, or dry cleaned. You can do this at least once or twice a week to lessen the time for each purging session.

Here are some decluttering questions you need to ask yourself:

  • Does it fit?

  • Do I love it?

  • Do I wear it?

  • Does it itch or scratch?

  • Is it damaged? (Moldy, smelly, or stained)

  • Does it project the image I want?

2. Maximize your storage space

You can fit more items in your closet than you might think. All you need to do is maximize the available storage space by investing in closet storage products. For instance, you can install hooks in your closet door so that you can hang some of your accessories and scarves at eye level. You can also add shelves, drawers, and shoe rack organizers to make the most of your closet space.

3. Avoid holding onto stuff

Buying, collecting, and holding onto clothes can be a problem, especially if you have limited closet space. If you’re keeping garments because you feel sentimental, you spent a lot of money on them, or you think you may wear them someday, these pieces can easily clutter your space and make your closet overcrowded.

Get rid of the clothes you haven’t worn in over a year. Letting go of them may be difficult at first, but breaking that habit helps you create an effective closet organizing system, which saves you time when picking the perfect outfit.

4. Keep a bin in your closet specifically for donations

An overcrowded closet is a sign to donate some of your usable clothes. Doing this lets you maximize your closet space and give others the chance to own the fashion pieces you used to love. This major step is also beneficial if you are trying to adopt a more minimalist and environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

Make the decluttering and donating process easier by keeping a bin in your closet where you can toss items you no longer need or want to wear. Determine where you plan to donate your clothes ahead of time to ensure there’s no turning back with your closet purging.

If your closet has been neglected for a long time, now is your perfect chance to get it back into shape. Get rid of unnecessary items one piece at a time, and follow the tried-and-tested tips listed above to declutter your closet and have an organized, confidence-boosting closet in no time. 

Decluttering can be an emotional process, especially when you had to let go of items you loved. If you have trouble digging into your clothes and giving some away, you can always seek decluttering services to orgnanize your closet without hassle.

Get your closet organized through our decluttering service in Houston. At Rescue My Space, our organizing consultants will help you keep your clothes orderly with your privacy and confidentiality in mind. Book an appointment today!