5 Things You Can Organize Better This 2021


How many times have you told yourself that you'll be more organized "this year"? And how many times have you actually stuck with your resolution? It's good that you do recognize the need to declutter. However, things can easily go wrong when you take on too much at a time, get overwhelmed, and stop altogether. 

When you are still new to the concept of decluttering, it's advisable to take things one category at a time. This way, you won't find the task too tiring, and the probability of you sticking with it will be higher. Start small–that's one of the best organizing tips!

If you want to start decluttering your home, here are five things you can start with:

1. Holiday Lights and Decorations

Before you stuff all of the decors you have back into that massive “Holiday” box, you might want to sort through them to see if you need all of them. The chances are there are some broken pieces, lights that don't work, and others that you don't particularly feel attached to. Just keep the ones you can't part with and donate the others if they're still usable. 

2. Pantry and Refrigerator

It's time to say goodbye to all the leftovers from 2020. Clear out your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets and only put back items that haven't yet expired and that you'll still eat. If it's not expired, but you don't think you'll eat it anytime soon, then it’s better to give it to others who will. 

Don't forget to get rid of empty bottles, cans, and boxes as well. If you can, try to use similar containers for food storage and label them correctly. You'll be amazed how these simple steps will make a huge difference!

3. Closets

If you have too many belongings and your closets are filled with clothes that you don't think you have time to tackle them alone, you can always ask the help of your family members. Have each one responsible for decluttering their closet. 

Better yet, get the help of professionals from Rescue My Space. Our team can handle any decluttering and home organization task you throw at us. We'll organize your closets in a way that makes sense to you to make sure that you can sustain it yourself.

4. Magazine Subscriptions or Bills

Do you have piles of unopened subscriptions, boxes of old magazines that you won't read again, and drawers filled with receipts? Dedicate a weekend to go through all of them. If possible, have a file management system that will help you organize them more efficiently. You can also donate your old magazines or books that you don't use anymore, and have a folder where you can compile all your receipts or, even better, adopt a paperless lifestyle. If you think you'll need records of your payments and such, take a photo of them for future reference. 

When you go through your subscriptions, take note of the ones that you hardly use or benefit from and unsubscribe from them. Not only will you lessen your clutter, but you'll also save money!

5. Toys

Parents of young kids know the challenge of teaching their little ones to pack away their things properly. In fact, trying to convince them to let go of some of their toys is much more challenging, even if they're toys they didn't remember having until you showed them. 

If you can't convince them to donate some of their toys, you might want to consider doing a "rotation" of toys. You can have baskets or bins hidden with three to five toys in them. Give them access to just one bin a week, and at the end of the week, replace those with another set. That way, you won't have to deal with the clutter, and they will also get to play with all their toys.

By decluttering your home one category at a time, you'll have a better chance of actually ridding your home of unnecessary items. If you live a busy life like most people, don't pressure yourself into handling a big organizational project that you won't do properly. Take on one category each weekend until you finish all, and do it all again until you've established a routine and tidying up becomes a habit.

However, if you want to start with a bang and need some help creating a system, you'd do well to get the efficient decluttering services of Rescue My Space. Reach out to our home organization consultants today and let us tell you how we can organize your home for you!