4 Things to Consider When Organizing the Playroom

Life as a parent means constantly dealing with chaos, especially if you have children at home. To mitigate the mess created by your kids, you've likely designated a space for them to play in, be it a corner in the living area or an actual playroom. Still, having a playroom doesn't mean that your home gets away scot-free. There are toys, activities, and furniture to think about as your children grow up and their developmental needs change. If you're looking to have a more organized playroom despite this, consider the following organizing tips that may help you manage the space better. 


The right furniture and storage spaces can ease the burden of organizing your child's playroom. If you haven't set up the area yet, you may want to invest in sturdy shelves or cubbies anchored into the wall. These will help in storing toys and other objects without taking up too much space. Another consideration is clear plastic bins. They are easy to tidy up, letting you and your children discern what's inside without opening them one by one. Labels are also really helpful in organization, especially if you're going to be using a lot of bins and other storage organizers in the playroom. 


The next step to achieving a manageable play space is to create an organizing system for every piece involved. In this case, the toys and other objects your kids use during their playtime. One of the most straightforward systems is to separate items into two groups: those that kids can handle independently and those for which they need supervision. After that, you can set a space for items that need supervision, such as high shelves that the kids can't access without your help. As for the simpler toys, you can put those in chests, bins, or cubbies, any place where children can grab their things quickly.


Ask any organization consultant, and they'll tell you that decluttering is almost always a must when it comes to tidying up any room, not only the playroom. Doing so allows you to take stock of the toys and items that your child has accumulated over the years. Then, you can divide them into groups to make the process of organizing easier. One group should be for any item you wish to keep, either because of their current use or their potential to grow with your child. Another group can be for toys that the kids have outgrown despite still being useful. You can give them away to people you know or donate them to a charity, where other children in need can enjoy them. Last is the group meant for items that you can or need to toss out.


The final tip isn't necessarily a must, but it might help in the long run, especially if you have more than one child in the house. Setting a schedule for specific activities throughout the week can limit the toys and items that your child brings out during their playtime. Perhaps they can play with dolls or Legos one day and then paint the next. This will organize the playroom better, and it also teaches children patience and aids in diversifying their interests over the years. You can even introduce them to new activities while you're on your journey to achieve an organized playroom. 

Organizing the playroom need not be a complicated or arduous process. After all, you have plenty of resources in your arsenal. Organization items are only some of them. You can also set up various systems and even employ your kid's help to lessen the burden of the task. If you need a professional home organizer in Houston, Rescue My Space can get the job done. We offer organization solutions as well as decluttering services and interior enhancements. Book a call with us today to get started!