Decluttering 101: How to Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Need

You’re bound to accumulate more stuff than you really need, especially when you like to shop and when you’ve stayed in one place for too long. While some things you’ve been keeping might be useful, others are plain unnecessary. So, how can you stop your hoarding habit and get rid of stuff you don’t really need? Here are some tips on how you can declutter your stuff for a neater and more organized space:


Closets are usually divided into sections: clothes you wear every day, clothes you are saving up for special occasions, and clothes you’re waiting to fit into again. It might have been easier to get rid of clothes you didn’t want to wear again than clothes you’re just waiting to be able to wear again. The problem is in convincing yourself that you’ll still wear those clothes when they fit you again someday. However, that might take months or years, or it might never come at all. So, if you can’t wear it again in the near future, it’s time to get rid of it.


Great storage is valuable to any household, whether it’s in containers or storage units. They keep your home as organized as possible, but they might also pose a problem because they make you a hoarder. People who are faced with too much clutter jump on the opportunity to buy more storage. You might convince yourself that as long as everything’s in containers, you’re not hoarding. However, that might be the first sign that you need to declutter. Experts advise against continuously purchasing storage to keep stuff. Instead, you need to assess your things and decide which ones are worth saving and which ones need to go to the garbage. Decide on which ones you need to keep and which ones you simply don’t need anymore. You’ll likely find tons of things to get rid of. Don’t worry–you can always donate your things to charities. 


People get sentimental over everyday stuff, which leads them to hoard stuff they don’t need or are plain junk. For instance, you might have a chair that once belonged to your grandfather and reminds you of your fond memories of them every time you see it. But if the chair has already outlived its usefulness and is only gathering dust in your basement, it might be time to let it go. Avoid holding on to things just because of sentimental value and properly declutter your stuff.Many families have a lot of unnecessary things in their home, which they only hold on to due to sentimental reasons. While there’s nothing wrong with keeping mementos, you should not keep everything.

If some things in your home are simply sitting in the same place for at least two years, it only means it’s no longer needed in your life. You need to begin sorting out and decide which deserves to stay and which does not. That’s the only way you can begin to declutter your home of unneeded stuff. Rescue My Space is a decluttering service in Houston, providing organizational solutions to homes and corporate spaces. On top of decluttering spaces, we also offer interior enhancements. When it comes to the entire process of organizing, we at Rescue My Space follow a specific process to ensure we achieve the organizing job on budget, on time, and most importantly, adheres to our client’s lifestyles perfectly. Get in touch with us today!