How to Declutter Your Pantry

Decluttering your pantry can be quite the hassle, though we all strive for that Pinterest-inspired look, accomplishing it can be much more difficult than one can anticipate! If this is something that you want to try out for yourself, the best step is to first start small. This is why we recommend starting by decluttering your pantry. But how do you go about doing this? To help you, we’ve prepared practical tips that will help you declutter your pantry:


Get rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy. If you find it hard to assign such personal feelings to the contents of your pantry, then a good alternative would be to get rid of anything that you won’t be using. This includes but is not limited to things that have gone past their best by dates. Try to be discerning when you do this and really consider if you’ll be using an item. A good rule of thumb would be to try and remember when you last used an item, as this can be a good benchmark for determining if you’ll ever use it again.



Keep in mind that decluttering is more than just getting rid of things, as it also means making most of the space that you already have. There are a number of ways you can approach this. In fact, one great way is to maximize all of the surfaces in your pantry. One spot that is always wasted is the interiors of the door because you can use the space to hang spices. All you have to do is to install a rack, and you should be good to go. Another way you can maximize space is by transferring things into compact containers. If you think about it, your pantry is loaded with cardboard boxes that take up more space than they actually should. By transferring the contents into a smaller container, you can effectively double the amount of storage space you have!


You’ll also want to make sure that you aren’t buying anything that you already have because it is actually a quick way to build up an excess of a certain product. To make sure this never happens to you again, we recommend making a list of everything that’s inside of your pantry. While this may seem like a small change, this list will help you determine what items you already have so that you can avoid buying more of them whenever you go out on a grocery run. Small changes like this go a long way when it comes to decluttering your pantry!

While it may seem like a lot of work at first, decluttering your pantry will definitely be worth it in the end, as having a clean and organized space can yield a slew of different benefits. Indeed, our article on pantry organization highlights how an organized pantry will make your life as a homeowner significantly easier. Hopefully, the tips we’ve shared above will prove to be useful and help you declutter your pantry effectively and efficiently! Rescue My Space is a reliable decluttering service in Houston with years of experience in the industry. We offer organizing solutions for both residential and commercial spaces. For more information about our services, contact us today!