Our 4-Step Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Closet


Are you stressed, overwhelmed or having trouble finding things in your closet? Are you experiencing a big milestone, you're moving to a new chapter in your life, or even starting a new project or job? All of these are great reasons to give your closet a makeover, but you may be wondering, how do I start?

Perhaps you saw a celebrity's closet space and like how they fixed their wardrobe, or maybe you watched organization videos online and thought, "I could do that." Either way, finding inspiration is the perfect jump-start to organizing your closet space. 

If you're one of those who had the sudden urge to fix their closet, we've got you covered! This article is our four-step ultimate guide to organizing your closet. Let’s get to it!


When you start organizing your closet, the first thing you want to do is take everything out which we like to call “PURGE”. When it comes to organizing your closet, its important to only keep the items you need, love and makes you feel satisfied and get rid of the items that honestly don't. Do this by trying your clothes on, seeing how they feel on you and then place them in the “keep”, “donate” or “trash” pile.


Now that your closet is ready for your clothes, it's time to figure out how to organize your space.

  • Create categories. (pants, skirts, dresses, tops, etc..) 

  • Color coordinate.

  • Add bins for loose items like belts, scarves, hats, etc.

When you are creating an organization system, make sure it fits your lifestyle. If you workout a lot, you are going to make space for your workout clothes. If you work in corporate America, most of your closet may be filled with business casual clothes. On the reverse, if you work from home like a lot of us nowadays, your closet may be filled with mostly casual clothes. Whatever your current lifestyle is, your closet should reflect that.


When you're buying new storage products for your closet, make sure you really need them. The number of products you find in the market can seem useful, but in reality, they may end up giving you more clutter than space. 

Before you buy any storage products, make sure you identify the storage problem that needs addressing. For example, if you have a lot of scarves, adding them to a bin may help you organize and create a designated space for them. Besides that, you can do the same with other loose items you have in your closet. 


Outside of functionality, you can also make it aesthetically pleasing. Though is not required, having an aesthetically pleasing closet does help you maintain the organization in your closet. The quickest way to improve your closet would be to brighten up the space by changing the light. If you notice your closet space needs more improvements, try changing the paint color or even adding a nice rug. Of course having matching hangers and matching bins its always a plus. If you have the space, you can take it a step further and add a full length mirror to give the closet a more stylish look.

Now that you have a four-step guide to organizing your closet, it's time that you roll up your sleeves and start organizing it! If your closet is too much for you to do alone, you can always ask for assistance from professional organizers at Rescue My Space. We are experts in decluttering, organizing, and making your closet look beautiful. Check out our services here to learn more.